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A new idea to curtail global warming: limiting how much sunlight reaches the Earth

A new idea to curtail global warming: limiting how much sunlight reaches the Earth

March 29, 2019
Scientists around the world are constantly working on solutions to curtail global warming and to reduce its negative effects on the environment. So far, the proposed scientific solutions have not been effective enough to reverse or at least slow down the trend.

Now, in a new study, Harvard researches offer a new, exciting solution. In conjunction with researchers from MIT and Princeton, they suggest limiting the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth’s surface.

Scientists around the world are constantly working on solutions to curtail global warming and to reduce its negative effects on the environment. So far, the proposed scientific solutions have not been effective enough to reverse or at least slow down the trend. Now, in a new study, Harvard researches offer a new, exciting solution. In conjunction with researchers from MIT and Princeton, they suggest limiting the amount of sunlight that reaches the Earth’s surface.

The researches want to use a technology called ‘solar geoengineering’ to achieve this goal. Their idea is to build sunlight-reflecting particles into the atmosphere of Earth, which could diminish the sunlight that reaches its surface. However, the lead author of the study, Peter Irvine, stressed that the method is not addressing the core of the problem, the amount of carbon dioxide produced by humanity.

Mr Irvine said that “solar geoengineering is a little like a drug which treats high blood pressure. An overdose would be harmful, but a well-chosen dose could reduce your risks. Of course, it's better to not have high blood pressure in the first place but once you have it, along with making healthier lifestyle choices, it's worth considering treatments that could lower your risks.”

Source: Business Insider