“For people who like to provide added value, a performance-oriented company culture can be motivating”, says Dániel Pintácsi, Asset Operations Director at MET Group’s Green Assets Division, who left and then rejoined MET after a break of almost two years.
“It felt like coming home again,” says Ioana Paula Sava, Head of Staff at MET Romania, who left and then rejoined MET after an eight-month break. The 3 words she highlights are stability, courage and people.
You have to make it work and you have to pay attention to details – this is one of the lessons that Francesco Colombo learnt at MET Group. He explains why the company is demanding whilst remaining fun and dynamic at the same time.
Never say it will not work, never say it is too crazy – Esther Ang is convinced that what colleagues do and how they think at MET will shape the LNG industry. As a “boomerang” Alumni, she once left MET Group, only to return with even more enthusiasm.
As MET Alumni Club Chairman, his ambition is to make the Alumni Club a successful, long-term community. Kori Jellen started his career at MET as an intern which has impacted his work culture up to now. He learnt at MET that taking the extra mile during work pays off.
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