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MET plans to bring at least 3bcm of LNG to Europe in 2023

MET plans to bring at least 3bcm of LNG to Europe in 2023

April 5, 2023
Swiss-based energy trader MET Group aims to deliver at least 3 billion cubic metres (bcm) of LNG to Europe in 2023, a spokesperson told ICIS.

Source: ICIS

“MET Group has a European LNG portfolio of approximately 3bcm for 2023. This year, we hope to contribute at least the same, or hopefully more, than in 2022,” added the spokesperson.

In 2022, MET Group imported over 30TWh of LNG cargoes to Croatia, Greece, Spain, Belgium and the UK, the company said on 3 April.

“MET seeks to enhance security of supply in central and eastern Europe, along with the Balkans, Poland and the Baltics, through a strong regional presence and LNG import capacity, targeting domestic gas resellers and industrial end-consumers as customers,” the spokesperson told ICIS.

MET has booked five LNG unloading slots for 2023 (or a 147,710cbm cargo quantity per slot) at the Greek Revithoussa terminal, according to results published by Greek grid operator DESFA on 1 February.

In April 2020, MET booked 1.3bcm capacity at Krk terminal for a three-year period.

Balkan traders said MET, through its subsidiaries, is a major player in Balkan gas and power market trading of close to 8TWh of gas and power in the region.

The company has also booked long-term regasification capacity at the German LNG import terminal in Lubmin, the firm said on 13 January.

Sources said MET booked 1bcm capacity as no official information was released at the time.

“MET Group continues to focus on the security of supply of its European customers and offers gas storage solution to enable reliable satisfaction of the winter peak consumption without financial risk borne by the partners,” the spokesperson told ICIS.


MET Group is targeting a 2GW solar and onshore wind portfolio by 2026 and entered the renewables markets in four new countries in 2022 with acquisitions in Spain, Italy, Poland and Romania, a 3 April company financial update said.

“Our owned renewables capacity will be some 400MW by end of 2023,” the spokesperson told ICIS. noting the company will look to increase its physical presence across the CEE/SEE region this year.

“Regardless of the market turmoil of 2022, MET group significantly increased its Romania and Bulgaria trading activities last year,” the company said.