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Energise – interview with Group HR Director Tünde Tóth

Energise – interview with Group HR Director Tünde Tóth

February 15, 2023
In a tumultuous world, all sectors are under pressure. But for the energy industry, the impacts are unprecedented. Europe in the grip of war serves to highlight our insatiable need for fossil fuels and with signs of global warming irrefutable and manifest, the pressure is on players like MET Group, to both deliver essential supplies now and deliver a clean new dawn.

To read the full interview in the print edition click here: theHRDIRECTOR

To read the online version click here.

Tünde, take us back to your early life and how you found the path to a career in HR?

I studied for my masters at Corvinus University of Budapest, the leading university in Hungary for Economics, Management and Social Sciences. I chose to major in management and organisation, because I wanted to keep my studies as broad as possible and we focused on financial controlling, business strategy and HR, which I started to get very interested in. Parallel to the main masters degree, I also did a second degree, the CEMS Masters in International Management and part of this involved placements at the world's leading business schools, which in my case was a semester spent at the University of Cologne in Germany. An element of this involved collaborating on real business projects with top tier companies and for me, this was with McKinsey.