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Celebrating program graduates and welcoming the new joiners: a blend of experiences

Celebrating program graduates and welcoming the new joiners: a blend of experiences

June 29, 2023
“As one tale ends, so another begins.” This wise quote from Jackie Chan perfectly encapsulates the journey of our Group Talent Development Program graduates from the 2022 cohort. Their one-year program has come to a close, and we celebrated their achievements and looked ahead to their futures at this week’s Graduation Ceremony.

They have grown stronger through challenges and gained countless experiences and stories, now joining the community of TDP Alumni. They have made countless strides, each taking them closer to their professional goals. Their achievements, whether big or small, are all worth celebrating, and together with their mentors, peers, and EB members, we celebrated their accomplishment of ending this incredible journey that started 1 year ago.

Now, they are a treasure trove of experiences and stories next to their TDP Alumni Community. They have navigated the program, dealt with challenges, and emerged stronger with our colleagues’ constant support during their project. Let’s congratulate Ana-Maria Manole, Eszter Kiss, Bence Halász, and Alistair Fila for their performance and wish them the best of luck on the next steps in their careers and the new challenges. This is just the beginning of an exciting new journey toward their career goals.

As we celebrate the past, we embrace the future.

  • On one side, we have the program graduates armed with the skills, knowledge, and experience gained from the program.
  • On the other side, we have the new joiners filled with eagerness and anticipation as they embark on their own journeys in the TDP program, stepping into unfamiliar territory and ready to soak up everything the program offers.

Let’s welcome this year’s team formed by:

  • Kinga Galántai – ETRM Demand Business Analyst, CFO
  • Nathan Quinteiro – Risk Data Analyst, CFO
  • Paula Vinyeta – Natural Gas Analyst, METI

The first day in the TDP program was full of emotions and experiences for new joiners. During our kick-off event, they discussed the program objectives, structure, roles, and responsibilities. They gained insights into the Mentorship program and learned more about what the program has to offer.

Our Group CEO Benjamin Lakatos joined the new TDP team in a discussion of expectations and how they can contribute to the program's success. At the same time, our guests, Heads of Divisions, gave them meaningful insights into their division strategies and plans, helping them gain a more comprehensive understanding of the business.

Our Celebration event holds tremendous significance in our program as it presents an exceptional opportunity to forge lasting relationships. Establishing connections with mentors, peers, and alums can provide invaluable support and guidance throughout our colleagues’ careers.

We wholeheartedly welcome our new joiners and congratulate our graduates.